Crack Crack


Crack Crack Submissions

We're a wish-it-were-for-profit publisher. We're putting together our first collection of written and visual arts, which will be free as PDF and available in print at the lowest possible cost. What we're looking for is a handful (probably 5 to 10) of writers and visual artists in their early twenties. Preferably good looking, but this is negotiable. Vulgarity is welcomed. Preferred even.

The book will feature several authors with 10 or so pages each. So send 10 or so pieces. Apparently people aren't reading that line of text. So I'll be repeating it again.

Reprints are accepted. Simultaneous submissions are fine. Rejections will not include feedback (I'm not interested in rejecting you more than I have to.)

E-mail should include your name. Biographical statement is optional, but you need to introduce yourself.

On poetry - we like shorter poems.
On prose - we like shorter prose.
On visuals - we're looking for black and white/grayscale, but we can change colored images to grayscale.

E-mail submissions (of 10 or so pieces) to [email protected]

Editor: Mmkayla Roderic
Publisher: Robert Louis Henry

Mmkayla Roderic is a 20-year-old girl that draws unemployment. She's thinking about getting food stamps too. Mmkayla writes poetry after huffing paint, and she's working on an online mini-chap with Bygawd Books.

Robert Louis Henry is a 22-year-old boy that goes to university and stuff. He writes poetry, prose, and songs. He's the co-editor at Leaf Garden Press, which is a lot more respectable than Crack Crack. He listens to a lot of music and doesn't care to own a digital antenna for his miniature television. Learn more about his writing and publishing efforts at